Event: Off
Day: 5 / 6
Waves: 3 to 4 Ft
Wind: 4 Low Wind
Schedule: Aloha Cup
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ISA World Bodyboarding Championship 2012 - Day 4 Video Highlights
ISA World Bodyboarding Championship 2012 - Day 3 Video Highlights
ISA World Bodyboarding Championship 2012 - Day 2 Video Highlights
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Galer�a de im�genes del d�a Viernes 30/11/2012 (Parte II)
Galer�a de im�genes del d�a Viernes 30/11/2012 (Parte I)
Galer�a de im�genes del d�a Jueves 29/11/2012 (Parte II)
Latest News
Venezuela ya suma su primera medalla dorada (ALOHA CUP)
We are already in the final stages of the contest; round after round we are watching
Ya entramos en la recta final del evento ISA World Bodyboard Championship
The third day of competition began with waves from 3 to 4 feet, but very windy
El Tercer d�a de competencia comenz� con olas de 3 a 4 pies, mucho viento...
The second day of competition began with strong wind and On Shore waves
Event: Off
Day: 5 / 6
Waves: 3 to 4 Ft
Wind: 4 Low Wind
Schedule: Aloha Cup
ISA World Bodyboard Championship Playa Parguito | Venezuela | Copyright© 2012 Todos los Derechos Reservados.
web: www.isawbc.com - email: info@isawbc.com

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